Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. 2017 Client Highlights
The work that was done by Adam Leitman Bailey, in my opinion, is completely fantastic.
We had a non-primary residence case against us from the landlord. My wife was accused of not living in her apartment. Our situation was that we had two primary residences. The law firm handled it beautifully. We went to trial and we had an outstanding team of lawyers behind us all of the time.
You start a case, you start a question or project and they say, “Alright well it will probably play out in this manner, you might win this, you might win that, but it will cost about this much, and it will take about that long.” Those predictions have always been accurate, and they have always allowed me, as a board member, as an individual buying a unit, whatever they have always allowed me to make the decision that this is how I want to proceed and go in with eyes open. The firm has always delivered on those estimates.
I came home, and the next day there was an eviction notice on my door for no reason at all! So I called him, I think it was that day and got him on the phone. At this board meeting, he started out so well, his opening was brilliant. They were just in silence, nobody said anything.
I thought it was knowledgeable, I never had a phone call unreturned, quickly. I’ve dealt with law firms before where it takes three days to get a callback and they expect you to be grateful. I never felt like a hog in a wheel, nobody ever said to me, “no we’re the lawyers,” they respected what I had to say, listened to my viewpoint, incorporated it in what they did. So, I felt a part of the team and that was really important to me.
We began the strategy of how to defend myself in court, and what sort of evidence we would need to win. Providing details, information, explanations which gave me a sense of security, and the sense of knowing that the legal team standing behind me was really working their hardest to make me a winner in this case.
So unbelievably after the case. Every week, it was the most amazing legal firm that I picked.
Oh, all of these wonderful people, I feel very secure and I know I can count on them. They make me feel very comfortable, confident, and also not to worry and not to be stressed out. Everything can be resolved.
It was very smooth and streamline, the whole process. It’s exactly what I needed.
They did wonderful. We are settled and we got something out of it that we weren’t even expecting we were going to get that kind of money.
The team was great. They held our hand throughout the whole case. I can’t say enough about Adam’s encouragement and confidence in the case; making us feel always that we’re in good hands. They handled everything from the beginning with class, sensitivity, and with attention to detail, I don’t think we could have found anywhere else.
We worked very closely together, and I’ve worked with other big law firms and I’ve never fund somebody so agreeable, persistent, and thorough.
The reason I like working with this firm so much is because they are so responsive so quickly and they have really great ideas that are grounded in the law and things that I don’t know so well. So when they come up with proposals about why don’t we phrase this letter this way, or why don’t we take this approach. That’s what I need form this firm, that’s why I keep calling them for so many different transactions, situations. I’ve never been let down, it has always paid off.
They did a perfect, perfect, perfect job. They did it so uniquely and so calmly. Without hesitation, they pursued every aspect of it and they had worked their time and they gave me a lot of confidence.
Now you don’t expect lawyers to necessarily have bedside manner but I can tell you from experience, this firm provides its clients with a real sense of security knowing that they’re on your side and they’ll fight for you. They’ll do anything they can to get you to victory.
The funniest thing was I was flying to LA and this woman, she was with two guys she works with and we all started laughing, we were talking. It turned out she was Rosario Dawson’s mother. They’re trying to evict me from my apartment; it’s been the worst time for me and she said, “do you have a good lawyer?” and I said, “I believe so,” and she said, “Is it Adam Leitman Bailey?” and I said, “Yes! How do you know!” and she said, “Oh! You’re going to win, you’re going to win!” so I said, “how do you know,” and she said, “He’s the best! I’ve used him!”
Adam Bailey’s office made my upstairs neighbor pay attention to us, that’s the important part.
They just put me at complete ease here. I went from feeling like there was no hope to basically just winning! It was very reassuring; they took really good care of me here.
I said, “I’m not giving in,” and the firm backed me on it and we pushed and pushed. Ergo, he wins the case.
He’s really good. He knows his stuff. In fact, I’ve recommended him.
Absolutely. I’ve done it already, and I’ll do it for sure.
I would and I have recommended this firm and I would do it again. They deliver and they know what to do. They know how to help homeowners, tenant associations, they know how to help condominium boards, and more!
In New York City, they are the tops.
I’ll tell you what this makes the worlds difference, I would highly highly highly recommend. Make sure you pick the correct, qualified, and also one of the best, Adam Leitman Bailey law firm. I mean it sincerely.
Absolutely recommend, no question about it. I thought it was knowledgeable, I never had a phone call unreturned.
Absolutely. I went from having, feeling like there was no hope like oh boy, all of the stars are lining against me, I’m going to be homeless. And I went from that to coming in here and feeling like oh boy, I think we got this. They went in, knew what they were doing and got a good result for me. In the end, that’s all you can hope for.
I would recommend them for any type, and I have told several people to call here.
The bottom line is, we won the case and I really, really, sincerely believe that I couldn’t have done it without Adam Leitman Baileys firm and the incredibly talented professional and dedicated lawyers that he brought to my side.