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Lawyers Doing the Right Thing

  • Photo of Carnegie Hall
    Adam Leitman Bailey Saves Carnegie Hall Tenants from Eviction; Obtains Massive Monetary Settlement and Free Apartment for Tenants

    Adam Leitman Bailey Saves Carnegie Hall Tenants from Eviction; Obtains Massive Monetary Settlement and Free Apartment for Tenants

    Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. prevailed in representing some of the tenants in suing Carnegie Hall and the city of New York in order to halt a plan to evict them from the premises above Carnegie Hall. Carnegie Hall wanted to provide space for renovations to expand the hall’s music education programs. According to the lawsuit, Carnegie Hall wanted to evict these tenants for “massive renovations” to convert the space “for its own use.” However, for more than a century, these...

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  • Street view of brownstone facades at sunset.
    Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Prevails on Appeal in Favor of Holocaust Survivor Rejected From Cooperative Board and Makes New Law Giving Non-Shareholder/Contract Vendee the Right to Sue

    Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Prevails on Appeal in Favor of Holocaust Survivor Rejected From Cooperative Board and Makes New Law Giving Non-Shareholder/Contract Vendee the Right to Sue

    Sinensky vs. Rokowsky Supreme Court, Appellate Division: First Department Holocaust Survivor Wins Legal Battle, New Home THERE’S A HAPPY ENDING in sight for a disabled Holocaust survivor who has been living as a virtual prisoner in his Brooklyn home. After two years of legal wrangling, tomorrow Chaim Indig, who uses a wheelchair, is set to move into a handicapped-accessible co-op in Premier House – a luxury Midwood building whose board initially had turned him away. “He indicated he’s excited about...

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  • Photo of Ground Zero mosque site
    NY Judge Gives Ground Zero Mosquestrosity the Nod: Last Legal Challenge Removed, Protest Rally on 911

    NY Judge Gives Ground Zero Mosquestrosity the Nod: Last Legal Challenge Removed, Protest Rally on 911


    By: Ruth King  July 12th, 2011 Another nod for the Islamic supremacists who seek to desecrate the sacred ground of Ground Zero with a 15-story mega-mosque in a building destroyed in the 911 attacks. Join us on September 11th to protest the Cordoba mosquestrosity. Judge Rules Ex-Firefighter Cannot Sue Over Mosque NY TimesA Manhattan judge has dismissed a lawsuit by a former New York City firefighter who is trying to stop the construction of an Islamic community center in Lower...

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  • adam on tv
    Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Wins Right for Ground Zero Mosque to Be Built, Gets Ex-Firefighter’s Case Dismissed

    Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Wins Right for Ground Zero Mosque to Be Built, Gets Ex-Firefighter’s Case Dismissed

    On September 9, 2010, Plaintiff Forras, a former firefighter, brought a class action lawsuit for damages, in the amount of $350,000,000, allegedly sustained by him and others as a result of the proposed development of a mosque and Islamic community center near Ground Zero. The complaint named the developers of a mosque and Islamic cultural center as defendants. Based on the need to defend against religious and ethnic prejudice, Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C., took on the case pro bono, that...

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  • Two New York City apartment buildings, one white and one red brick, are shown side-by-side, each with fire escapes.
    Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Saves and Secures Life-Saving Facility While Stopping Work on Development Project: When the Building That Holds the 911 Center is in Danger of Collapsing, Who You Gonna Call? Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C.

    Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Saves and Secures Life-Saving Facility While Stopping Work on Development Project: When the Building That Holds the 911 Center is in Danger of Collapsing, Who You Gonna Call? Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C.

    In New York City, some buildings are sacrosanct. They may not be good-looking or special from the outside but what they do on the inside helps save lives. When Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. attorneys received the emergency call and ran to this building, upon arriving they were shuffled into an office and briefed on the importance of their mission. The attorneys had to secure and eventually save the building, which cannot be named due to the secrecy of the assignment,...

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  • Adam Leitman Bailey Stops Mets’ Owners from Developing Vertically in Historic District

    Adam Leitman Bailey Stops Mets’ Owners from Developing Vertically in Historic District

    The Wall Street Journal

    September 12, 2016 By Josh Barbanel Battle Over Chelsea Townhouse Reflects War Being Waged in New York City’s Historic Districts A stately townhouse in Chelsea that dates to the 1830s has become the latest flashpoint in a dispute over how best to preserve homes in New York City’s recognized historic districts. Many neighbors want to keep homes in these quiet, leafy neighborhoods exactly as they are. And many architects and developers want to restore them by building upward and backward into...

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  • East Side Story: The Made-For-Hollywood Tale of a 16-Year Legal Tussle to Help a Dedicated Band of Manhattan “Homesteaders” Take Ownership of the Building They Had Moved Into And Begun to Rehab

    East Side Story: The Made-For-Hollywood Tale of a 16-Year Legal Tussle to Help a Dedicated Band of Manhattan “Homesteaders” Take Ownership of the Building They Had Moved Into And Begun to Rehab

    Best Lawyers

    By Best Lawyers Last year, Ramin Bahrani, one of my clients, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. For his previous movie, 99 Homes (2015), I had helped script the court scenes and advised closely on the script overall. I reminded Ramin that no real estate attorney had ever been thanked onstage by an Oscar winner. In my humble opinion, that streak was primed to end—we “dirt lawyers” have exciting, compelling stories to tell. That goes double...

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  • Low angle view of skyscrapers.
    Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Wins Landmark Victories Using a Forgotten and Overlooked Federal Law: Judge Rules Condo Deals Come Under Federal Law; a ‘Game Changer’ Decision

    Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Wins Landmark Victories Using a Forgotten and Overlooked Federal Law: Judge Rules Condo Deals Come Under Federal Law; a ‘Game Changer’ Decision

    In late 2008, the real estate sky had started to fall and fall quickly. As a result of the loss of financing and wages, many purchasers in contract to buy a unit in a newly constructed building were either no longer able or willing to close on their units. To make matters worse, the credit markets had been greatly curtailing the flow of money into the hands of developers from purchasers. In March 2008, one of the last outposts of...

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  • A view of the New York City skyline looking up from street level. The sky is a clear blue and there are several tall buildings, including a modern glass skyscraper and older brick buildings
    Adam Leitman Bailey Participates in New York State Bar Association Webcast Providing Legal Assistance to Persons Affected by Superstorm Sandy

    Adam Leitman Bailey Participates in New York State Bar Association Webcast Providing Legal Assistance to Persons Affected by Superstorm Sandy

    The New York State Bar Association is pleased to present a free CLE webcast on Providing Legal Assistance to Persons Affected by Superstorm Sandy on Thursday, November 15, 2012 from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. This program will be streamed live from the State Bar Center in Albany. Geared towards attorneys assisting Superstorm Sandy victims, this program will include an informational overview of state and federal relief programs. Panelists will provide an overview of assistance programs and relief options. Panelists...

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  • New Home Sweet Home for Disabled Man

    New Home Sweet Home for Disabled Man

    New York Daily News

    By: Lore Croghan April 23rd, 2006 THERE’S A HAPPY ENDING in sight for a disabled Holocaust survivor who has been living as a virtual prisoner in his Brooklyn home. After two years of legal wrangling, tomorrow Chaim Indig, who uses a wheelchair, is set to move into a handicapped-accessible co-op in Premier House – a luxury Midwood building whose board initially had turned him away. “He indicated he’s excited about the move,” said his daughter, Shevie Sinensky, who must speak for...

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  • Danger sign which reads "Danger Construction site No Trespassing."
    Heroes Among Men: How Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Saved Lives of the Lifesaving

    Heroes Among Men: How Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Saved Lives of the Lifesaving

    Best Lawyers

    New York City is known for its towering buildings, visible from all corners of the city. The maze of sky-high buildings is home to offices, schools, residences and thousands of important companies. Not all that glitters, as they say, is gold, though. Among the older buildings—structural legacies that rise above the bustling streets—new construction is quite literally around the corner. A city that bears the weight of thousands of structures still has a seemingly endless capacity for new buildings. But sometimes,...

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  • As Part of the 9-11 initiative, Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Keeps Tenant in Possession for Three Years Without Having to Pay Rent Based on Solely Technical Defenses

    As Part of the 9-11 initiative, Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Keeps Tenant in Possession for Three Years Without Having to Pay Rent Based on Solely Technical Defenses

    Issue: Following the September 11th attacks, Candy World owner Alan Silver found himself struggling to make rent payments to his landlord, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in the Bronx. As of May 2002, Silver was in rental arrears and in danger of being evicted. Silver’s goal was to make his rental payments affordable. Background: Alan Silver had been serving the people of Lower Manhattan candy for nearly three decades. Candy World, Inc. and St. Peter’s Church entered into a five-year lease...

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  • Teaching All Ages Preview Image
    Without Ever Accepting a Fee, Adam Leitman Bailey Authors Hundreds of Academic Contributions to Real Estate Law Teaching Persons of all Ages

    Without Ever Accepting a Fee, Adam Leitman Bailey Authors Hundreds of Academic Contributions to Real Estate Law Teaching Persons of all Ages

    Without accepting a fee, Adam Leitman Bailey has provided a wealth of knowledge to the field of real estate law. For over 20 years, Mr. Bailey has authored, contributed to, and edited nearly 300 publications to people of all ages, including his award-winning and New York Times best-selling book, Finding the Uncommon Deal. Below is a collection of his works.     Talking Points Against Governmental Takeover of Title Companies and all Small Businesses Negotiating RPAPL 881 License Agreements (NYLJ) When...

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