“Your legacy of generosity is entirely your own. You are helping others because of the kindness and compassion that was always growing in your heart.”
Adam – I received the final package of home sale documents from [redacted] and I want to once again thank both you and [redacted]. Your unexpected and most generous discount for your exemplary services is much appreciated. I was very gratified that you discounted your services for the sale of my father’s home and never expected another discount. I thank you for you continued generosity.
[redacted]provided exemplary service to me. Not only did he execute his duties with professionalism and alacrity, he personally responded to every phone call and e-mail. This is the only personal residence of my own that I have ever sold, so what is a daily routine for [redacted] was a once in a lifetime experience for me. He answered my many questions with patience and precision and his advice saved me a considerable amount of money concerning the interpretation of the New Jersey Capital Gains Laws. He also provided invaluable advice during the negotiation following the home inspection which resulted in a credit of $1,000 to the buyer instead of the requested $6,000. You are fortunate to have on your staff an attorney like [redacted] who combines professional knowledge and expertise with a caring personal relationship. I always felt that my interest were protected and I ask that you thank him for me for his excellent service.
I continue to be humbled and honored by the generosity of the scholarships you have bestowed in my name upon the students of New Milford. When I speak with the recipients, each always expresses their gratitude toward you for assisting them with their University financial obligations. When I was helping a young, dedicated athlete to become the first team All-League Cross Country runner many years ago, I never would have anticipated that he would become such an exemplary mentor and benefactor to so many others.
Your legacy of generosity is entirely your own. You are helping others because of the kindness and compassion that was always growing in your heart. Your internships provide each student with an invaluable example of what they too could become. In all you do, you are showing the student a path toward professional success and personal compassion. You are truly a great man and I love you for all you have done.