“They Stay on Top of It!”
A: Hi. My name is Stan Vickers, I am the president of Vickers Realty, small real estate company in New York. We maintain approximately 18 buildings, either walk-up or commercial in the Metropolitan area. And I’ve known Adam for approximately 10 years. And for the last about 5 years he’s been working very closely on various issues that have come up in landlord-tenant relations.
Over the past couple of years we’ve had instances of bed bug problems in various properties and for one reason or other we’ve had to contact the tenant after trying to deal with city agencies because of the tenants’ refusal to do anything about their apartments. We’ve had situations of hoarders and also of people with bed bugs that were not taking care of things. That’s when we called Adam’s office and due to his due diligence, the people that work in his office, we were able to resolve many issues. We’ve got to deal with a lot of personality problems with tenants and they’ve handled things beautifully. We’ve had a building on Second Ave in Lower Manhattan where the adjoining owner of the property was doing construction work and damaged the façade of our property. At that time we engaged Adam to review all of our insurance documentation, our construction problems. He referred us to an excellent surveyor and damage company – I think it was RAND Engineering – and they were instrumental for getting us have the adjoining owner stop work, correct the problem and he also dealt with the insurance company that was representing us. We’ve had a fantastic relationship with Adam and his firm ever since then.
With this landlord-tenant work Adam – not only Adam directly, but the people who work for him – really stay on top of communicating with us and also the people in our office that really have the day-to-day handling of the problems in our office, they arrange for inspections, arrange for times for us to get in and do work, so they are very hands on. And when push comes to shove and we need stronger representation that’s when Adam steps in. He has a tremendous back office that really helps him.
We were using other landlord-tenant firms for other matter but we felt like we were not getting the attention on serious matters, regular non-payment matters. It really is not difficult to do and we can deal with those companies. But when it comes to specific things such as bed bug problems, disturbing, like tenants disturbing each other, people having orders of protection and things like that, Adam’s firm does a much, much better job in dealing with it. You are not just one of like thousands of clients, you get much more individual attention because of Adam’s ability to really keep his people focused on representing the client.
We have a motto that we try to [redacted] to our tenants “Happy Buildings, Happy Tenants.” And a number of our tenants when do vacate and come back to New York, they always contact us for apartments or refer their friends and we are very happy to do that. And part of doing that is maintaining great relations with our tenants and by doing that, when we have a firm like Adam’s helping us, it helps our tenants.
Q: How would you say that he helped your tenants specifically?
A: Well, we had one property that we purchased in Soho that about two weeks after we closed we discovered this horrible bed bugs situation. And there were 16 other units, other tenants in the building that were affected and after constantly calling, you know, protective services, we had something like 8 treatments and besides the 8 treatments that we did, there were numerous times when they would just refuse us access. It got to the point where we had to do something for the other tenants in the building, that’s why we went to Adam.
Q: Would you recommend Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C.?
A: I recommend Adam to many people when it comes to, you know, holdovers, and things like that or commercial litigation with stores, I think he’s great. And I’m going to used them as long as he is around and I’m around.
Q: And would you say that the other attorneys at the firm were responsive and working with your case?
A: Yes, past attorneys and present attorneys that are working there. Everybody has a fantastic attitude and they are all very professional and really guide us through whatever we need to do.
Q: So the outcome of your cases were successful and you are overall satisfied?
A: So far we are at a 100%. We are a 100% with ALB.
Q: And is there anything else you’d like to add?
A: It’s just a great firm and we are happy to be dealing with them. We hope this will encourage other people to use them.