“Very Responsive, Very Knowledgeable”
Could you briefly explain the situation/problem that led you to seek legal help? You can be as general or specific as you are comfortable with.
We had a tenant in our brownstone and that her lease was up in March and she actually didn’t want to leave the building and did damage to the physical part of the apartment…also the faucet and we were trying to figure out a way to get her out of the property.
How did you meet the firm?
It was recommended to me by her son, Rubin. I also have heard of the principal of the firm as being the expert in the field of real estate for commercial practice.
What were your first impressions of Adam Leitman Bailey, PC?
Very responsive, very knowledgeable. When I first talked to Ms. Rualo, I knew that she knew her area very well. She asked me questions. She was very diligent, responsive and very thorough I would say in her responses.
What did the firm do you for in general?
The firm helped me to get this tenant out of the property in a time that was very very reasonable and I thought that we were never ever going to be able to get this tenant out of the property. Ms. Raulo was excellent and she gave me instructions, directions…. and successfully we were able to get that tenant out by November 1st
What was the best thing that the firm did for you?
The best thing was to understand first of all that I didn’t have the right lease to protect myself and number two that I had a problem and that the firm had the expertise and knowledge to address the problem and to help me to deal with it and the most successful thing the firm did was to help me to get the tenant out through court procedures and in addition to that they helped me to get a new lease that I am using for the tenant that took the apartment.
Could you go on to explain what you think the firm’s best qualities were in assisting to your needs?
The best thing about Adam Leitman Bailey firm is that they really know the law pertaining to real estate and renting and leasing and they are very thorough and I found them very thorough and knowledge of the law of the housing courts and to enable a landlord like me with limited experience to resolve a problem. I would say they have great great expertise in this area. Also, I think that Ms. Rualo gave me a confidence in dealing with this situation that I am not familiar with…so they were able to help me to get more knowledgeable and to take the right steps to resolve the issues.
Would you recommend Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. to others?
100%. I think that it’s a firm that is very knowledgeable, ethical, responsive to the needs of a landlord, like myself, and I won’t have no hesitation to recommend the firm. I think it’s a great asset for landlords like ourselves.
Any last comments you would like to add?
I just want to say that Ms. Raulo brings a tremendous amount of knowledge about the law and how to advise tenants but in addition to that, she is so personable and I found not only Ms. Raulo to be personable but her assistant. They make things easier for us and also in a very very personal and extend themselves. Like I remember talking to her around 6:00 or 7:00 o’clock and whenever I had a meeting with the tenant she said call me on my cellular so its extending herself beyond the call of duty.
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