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James – Extern


My name is James Hashanah. I’m from here in New York City. I went to college here and studied business, and I went to law school here at New York Law School. I had the opportunity in my second year of law school to extern for Adam Leitman Bailey in the litigation and transactional departments, which was a wonderful experience.

I have to say that the opportunity to have one foot in each department, one in transactional and one in litigation, really afforded me the opportunity to see the real estate transaction in its entirety and its complexity. It also allowed me to pinpoint the issues that may arise and how these issues might be litigated, so I could really see everything from start to finish—the nuts and bolts.

My days were pretty varied. I could start today doing some due diligence, reading minutes for a transaction, and then finish today researching some type of complex litigation issue that had come up. Being able to contribute to the transaction and also assist a client when they have a large issue come up in these transactions was a great experience.

I worked on several projects with Adam directly. It’s very interesting to be able to sit in with some of his calendar and learn directly from him, but to be able to do it repeatedly on a long, ongoing project and watch everything come together and build from one small idea was an invaluable experience.

The firm certainly exceeded my expectations. Obviously, going into any new environment can be difficult, but the attorneys I worked with were beyond accommodating and incredibly open and communicative. I had the opportunity to walk into an office and say, “I started this, I’m stuck here, am I going the right way, should I be going another way?” Being able to make a mistake and not feel that it’s the end of the world and seeing that as a growing experience is something I don’t think a lot of people expect. It’s a very nice thing to have.

To my last point, really lean into the open communication. The doors are open. Reach out to these people—they have a wealth of knowledge, years and years of experience, and they are specialized in what they do and the best at it. Being able to take advantage of the sheer amount of information there is the best thing you can do for yourself. The daily experiences at the firm, and the opportunity to take advantage of all this knowledge and information, is something you don’t get everywhere. The quality of the work you’re going to do is unrivaled.


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