Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Celebrates Our Summer Associate Accepting a Full Time Position at our Firm
This week we celebrated Nurie, our summer associate, accepting a full time position with our firm.
These are the firm’s most important moments because we’re not just about winning cases and closing deals. We couldn’t win cases and close deals without hiring the greatest attorneys and staff. That’s why these are the most important moments in our firm’s 25-year history. This year, we caught a rising star, and Dove Tron gave one of his greatest compliments, which I’ve never heard him give before. He said that Nurie is the closest thing he’s ever seen to himself. Normally, Dove is very humble, but that day he passed along that compliment, which is huge.
I completely agree. Nurie has been phenomenal in every way. She’s been outstanding, giving everything she’s got to this firm. She’s highly intelligent, she fits in perfectly, and she’s a nice person—no jerks allowed here, as we all know. She treats everyone with respect, and I can’t say enough great things about her. She’s now going to speak for herself, but before we let her speak, let’s toast to the newest future associate of our firm!
Nurie’s Speech:
It wasn’t actually expecting to give a speech, but I’ll just do it off the cuff. I just want to say thank you to every single person in this room. I feel so blessed and lucky to have the opportunity to be here. From the very first day that I was an extern, I felt like I was able to connect and learn from every single one of you—whether it was from the paralegals, Ali, or all the way up to Adam and all the attorneys in between. All of you have been incredibly generous and kind with your knowledge and open to sharing it with me.
I just really appreciate the opportunity and look forward to working with every single one of you. Thank you!