Pet Case Delayed for Six Months for Tenant to Pursue Discrimination Claim

Issue Date: August 2004,
Posted On: 8/1/2004
Pet Case Delayed for Six Months for Tenant to Pursue Discrimination Claim
Kravetz v. Brown: L&T Index No. 70471/04 (Civ. Ct. NY; Lebovits, J) [1-pg. doc.]
(Decision submitted by Manhattan attorney Adam Leitman Bailey, who represented the landlord.)
Landlord sued to evict tenant for keeping a dog, in violation of her lease. Tenant then filed a discrimination complaint with HUD. Tenant asked the court to delay the eviction case while she pursued her discrimination claim. The court ruled for tenant but limited the delay to six months. The court ordered tenant to request a speedy resolution from HUD in light of the pending court case.