Syracuse College of Law Spotlight: Adam Leitman Bailey

Adam Leitman Bailey ’95 Wins Dateline Challenge
Prepared and Tenacious in Practice and Life
When NBC’s Dateline set out to determine what it takes to be a top-notch negotiator, the popular news program turned to Adam Leitman Bailey ’95, and discovered some tips on the art of negotiation from a tenacious lawyer who negotiates for a living. In August 201, Dateline aired a program titled “Persuasion,’ where it chose four participants and assigned them tasks, requiring them to put their persuasive powers to the test.
The news program presumed that the most successful negotiators would be those who are physically attractive, elderly, or tenacious, and accordingly chose a female model, a male model, and a senior citizen Dateline selected Bailey as the example of a tenacious individual, with the idea that because attorneys can persuade judges, they may be more successful at getting what they want in everyday life.
The four negotiators had to rely on their powers of persuasion to accomplish a list of tasks in New York City. As the tasks became more difficult, Bailey negotiated with ease, and his tenacity was accompanied by perhaps an even more important trait —preparedness. Whether Bailey was negotiating to get a room upgrade, dinner reservations, or tickets to a sold out show, his preparedness made the difference.
Instead of blindly facing his “adversary,” whether it was a hotel reservation clerk, a concierge, or a maitre’de, Bailey did his homework in preparation for each negotiation session. “I prepared for these tasks as I would prepare for a day in court armed with the facts,” Bailey said ‘To prepare for these negotiations, I did some research on the Internet and made a few phone calls:- After succeeding in all of the tasks, Dateline declared him the winner.
Tenacity may also be part of the key to Bailey’s success as a New York real estate attorney, but his success has mainly been accomplished through a great deal of hard work and a passion for real estate law. Bailey established his own law firm several years ago, and since then has become a successful litigator and has been published in Finkelstein and Ferrara’s ‘Landlord-Tenant Practice Reporter: and has been recognized in “Who’s Who in Real Estate Law.”
Bailey credits his numerous trial victories in part to the law school’s Moot Court Team, of which he was a member. For the thousands of clients who have bought, sold and leased properties under his representation, he once again praises the law school’s Housing and Finance Clinic.