Judge OK’s ‘blocked view’ suit against Louboutins

By: Julia Marsh
October 16th, 2014
A Manhattan judge on Wednesday mocked Louboutins — before letting an elderly woman’s case proceed against the high-fashion shoe store for allegedly blocking her view.
“That’s a store you wouldn’t have to worry about me breaking into,” quipped Judge Carol Edmead.
“If I have red soles, I painted them,” the judge joked, referring to the trademark red-lacquered soles on the $675 pumps favored by stars like Rihanna.
Still, Edmead granted a hearing to 85-year-old Ethel Marran, who claims that that the mesh store facade on Madison Avenue near East 75th Street makes her feel claustrophobic and blocks her second-floor apartment’s view.
Marran is suing Louboutin, which declined to comment on the case, and the board of her co-op at 35 E. 75th St., for allowing the construction without her approval.
The building’s lawyer, Kelly Ringston, said the board followed the proper process for commercial tenants. She added that Marran lives in the apartment for only five weeks a year.
The proceeding is set for December.