Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. “still one of best places I’ve ever worked”
Dear Adam,
Five years ago I was granted the opportunity to intern at what is still one of best places I’ve ever worked. The atmosphere you have built at ALB PC is phenomenal and it represents so many characteristics of success. Working for you has been a privilege that only a select few are able to obtain and it has truly been a blessing. Because of you, I’m now the first of my family to graduate college as an immigrant from Trinidad. Bringing my siblings and I to the United States, putting us through the school system, and pushing for our citizenship was no small task for my mother. However, because of your generous opportunities I can honestly say you have helped my family in so many ways that we will forever be thankful for. Mr. Harrison impacted your life, and you’ve impacted my family’s, mine, and many others. The undergraduate process didn’t go as smooth as I had intended, but you didn’t give up on me, you always motivated me to keep striving and to work harder the following semester. You have been a mentor, a friend and a walking inspiration in every sense of the word. I’m forever thankful and will continue to hold the values that you have taught me dear and near, as I now begin my journey to one day be in a position like yourself so that I can also begin to impact other lives.
I graduated SUNY at Buffalo State with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems with a major GPA of 3.28 and although it’s not the best story. I assure you it’s not the ending. I currently have an interview scheduled with Apple for a Genius (It Specialist) Position, I’ve applied to the MACH program with Microsoft and I’m also currently waiting to hear back from them in addition to actively applying to other companies in the process. I intend to obtain work experience in my field before going on to begin my Masters degree. This summer I’ll also be studying to take the CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) exam in addition to working.
My family and I thank you as well as the rest of ALB PC for everything. You believed in me, never gave up on me and none of this would be possible without you.
Thank you,
Keilon La Barrie