“Really wonderful in helping to give us legal advice.”
Jessica Frantz, President of the Board of Managers for a Newly Constructed Condominium
I live in very small newly construction condominium building in Brooklyn and within the first year of our residence we moved in to a brand new apartment. We started noticing a very insignificant problem in the building. The most severe of which was a lot of leaking and a lot of plumbing issues …so that was the original problem that we had when we came to Adam. As we started through the legal process we actually were advised to hire an engineering firm and that was when we discovered the extensiveness of the problems in our building which were much more severe than we ever thought they were. Adam Leitman Bailey was doing really wonderful in helping to give us legal advice on how to start the process. All of us …for most of us it was our first residential purchase. None of us really had any idea of what we were doing…so a lot of the beginning of our process was just getting ourselves educated, trying to figure out what the options were and they also gave us really good resources in terms of hooking us up with engineering firms and just all the professional resources that we needed to complete the legal process. We worked with Adam. We have just completed our settlement offer which I think was a very satisfactory number for all of us which will enable us that to fix the majority of the major issues with our building. We are very satisfied.